The back to back events held at loyalist, one in the cafeteria and the other in the Shark Tank, had the students of Loyalist PR working hard, but also enjoying each event. In my opinion I say that both events were a great success. I would like to give a special congratulation to section one for how well they did at the first United Way Campus Truckload Sale.
I have never met so many people from such a variety of courses at loyalist. I don’t think I have ever met that many different courses in one day since I started college. It was definitely an interesting night, getting to know a lot of different people. It was my first Media Mash-up but others said it was the best and some said it was in the top five so I thought the night was a great success.

The sale sold out of key items quick but still had a few things left at the end of the day. The school set Loyalist PR’s goal at 11,000 dollars needed to be raised by both section's events. Section one raised just over 7,450. That is about 68 % of our goal already made. Way to go, congratulations again, but the section two United Way Campus Truckload Sale has to sale more, so we can smash the set goal. The prior five years Loyalist PR has raised 7,500 dollars altogether.
Section Two United Way Campas Truckload Sale: November 4th
Congrats, Loyalist PR, we are truely amazing