There are some brands that are so big they create new brands, so big their employees bad behaviour doesn’t affect their giant brand image itself, is it possible? Just think, is it possible that a brand has a name so big that its bad performance, bad outcomes, and bad chooses, doesn’t really affect their business, income, or in most cases their credibility. A brand so big, that it can make or break other brands. They could disappoint you for a whole year or maybe more, yet in later years you still support them. It doesn’t seem like there is a brand that big?

Each League is its only brand, and within it are 28-30 brand teams, with-in them 30-40 personal player brands. If it was not for the one big brand, none of the brands with-in it would have ever been created. These brands can make or break all brands with-in them.
Every league has their teams that disappoints fans. For example, The Toronto Maple Leafs. some years disappoint many people each and every night, and again in the playoff. Toronto Maple Leafs are the longest running team to not win the Stanley Cup. They still have one of the highest attendance turn outs for the whole NHL. I remember the days of Tie Domi, if he played a night when they faced Philly or Buffalo in the playoff, it got crazy, rough, and the audience loved it. It didn’t matter if both team rosters fully emptied out onto the ice and joined the brawl, the audience would only love it more and none of it would most likely be looked at as bad on the league or teams.
The NHL attendance live to anger the other team and watch the hockey fights. The NFL live to entertain with decapitating tackles, MLB have players hit by pitchers and stealing bases, and NASCAR obtaining a million plus attendance to watch a pile of cars drive around in a circle until one crashes starting a chain reaction of explosions. All of these brands enjoy when the brands with-in it act out because it creates more attention to the league, even if the action is bad it’s most likely never reflected on the league. Now, Almost evertime the league does say they don’t permit the actions and give discipline on the subject but internally it only helps the league get more attendance.
Sports cases
Biggest Hockey Brawl
Domi fight fan
Football Brawl
Still gotta love sports!!