To date I have almost 20,000 pages views, sitting at 19,916. My record-breaking day was April 2 with 962 page viewers that day. April currently has 6,810 page views. March had 4,611 total page views.
This is just a quick blog post to celebrate my six months of blogging. The experience of blogging has been fun and interesting. I have learned a lot in my research and it has also connected me to many other companies, organizations and other such things. In the last six month, you could say I have developed a hobby for blogging.
April has by far been my best month for blogging page views, although it has not been my best month for getting in posts. I have done a lot of work on the layout and branding myself online, using my branding tips. Kraft Hockeyville was also amazing at the beginning of the month and last month.
This is currently my sixth post this month, with it being my 116th post in the last six months. The 15thof April, 2011 was the real anniversary of my blogging. Here is my week late celebration post.

April has not been my best month for getting in posts; I have just been busy working with my internship. I am currently working on my internship and have upcoming news on their situation in the following weeks. I will be working more on my blogspot in the following weeks as well as getting in some new posts, which I hope everyone enjoys. My hope is to post a new post in each category.
Next Celebration will be 25,000 page views, so please feel free to read more posts.
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Congrats On Your Achievements !! best of luck to us both with our Blogs!! :D