This is a quick blog on a recap of semester one and the first half of our classes.
Loyalist PR has been busy. It has not felt as long as it has really been, but I have enjoyed it. With a few events in October it felt like I blinked and it was over. Now, November has already starting that way, before I know it the semester is going to be over.
It started with September, meeting my interesting class. With some small group work and a trip to Toronto, Septembers was a breeze. October had assignments due, events ran and class work, which made the reading week very much needed. Now Loyalist PR is experienced in getting the job done, I think we did amazing this October.
November has started with an event and will end with a trip to Kingston and more assignments due; I hope it will go a bit slower than October. December will end early because of the big red man coming for Christmas. I am scared because I can already see the end of semester one just ahead. My first post and this one are kinda identical.
I love this pic