Belleville’s Memorial Arena didn’t make top ten for CBC’s Kraft Hockeyville 2011. I am not sure why we didn’t make it, there could be many reasons. We had the nomination and the needed amount of facebook supporters; double both of the Ontario Winners; Navan and Wolfe Island.

I was going to give up with Kraft Hockeyville 2011, but there were some touching stories I had heard.
I post on Kraft Hockeyville’s Facebook page “the question is who will I assist with my vote?”. I thank Fort Nelson BC, for being the first to comment; you will receive votes because of it. I thank, Mackenzie, BC for being the second to comment, I am sorry but I can’t vote more than once. I would like to say to Mackenzie, BC that is was a good fight for the most facebook support, but I guess it didn’t matter, Good luck anyways.

I am sorry Fort Nelson & Mackenzie BC the reason I chose Wolfe Island, and why I think they should be Kraft Hockeyville 2011 are;
They need a roof (They Play with no roof), they play on a lake (in,2011?), they are in Ontario, and it would be much easier for me to travel there. Wolfe Island story touched me and it’s closest to home, I ask everyone else reading to vote for Wolfe Island, Ontario.
Belleville Is In Need Of A Mayor!! Kraft Hockeyville 2012!! -
ReplyDeleteOn behalf of Wolfe Island I thank you for your support. I am very proud to live on Wolfe Island and am even more so because of the spirit and commitment everyone has given for Hockeyville. We may be small but our hearts strong and we would be proud to represent Canada as Hockeyville 2011.
ReplyDeleteSincerely Kristine Mattson
As an Islander living far from home, I too thank you for your support to Wolfe Island. You have to go to visit and join in the Hockeyville festivities. You will be met with the best small town hospitality around. But be careful, many arrive on the island and decide to never leave!
ReplyDeleteGo Wolfe Island!
Cheryl Hogan, AB