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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Did you miss Facebook’s Birthday!!!

Most do not know this fact but last Friday (February 4th 2011) as our beloved Facebooks birthday.  Facebook became 7 years old and is celebrating with over 600 million users.  600 million users from all across the world, is an amazing number in my opinion.
We all know Facebook is not a fade and will most likely be around for many more years to come, as you can read in an older post I had done title "The Social Revolution".

Facebook is still continuing to grow rapidly rising from its 350 million users the year before, and still shows signs of continuing to grow.  Congratulations to Facebook on the last seven years of work.
Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2005 with no idea where it was going, seven years later his company is worth more than 50 Billion dollars.  On average that is more than a 7 Billion dollar rise each year.  In my opinion that is wild.
I have to give Mark credit, he created something people can't live without, went from a student to a billionaire.  I don’t know about you but how much have you made in the last 7 years, mark has to be the world’s fastest billionaire.  So, Congratulations Mark to making billions, and becoming the modern day Alexander Graham Bell, which leaves him to be talked about for the rest of eternity. 

Facebook is most likely soon to be the biggest brand there is, if it isn't already.


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